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Geospatial data and services are the main building blocks for geospatial infrastructures and fundamental to service-oriented mapping and realtime applications. Geospatial infrastructures make use of different paradigms: maintaining, sharing and use (instead of collect and own). Developments in these paradigms are leading to evolutions in availability and accessibility of geospatial data and services coupled with the added value of geospatial products and applications in the modern geospatial production environment.

Geospatial trends are constantly growing and developing such as sensor networks, realtime processing, volunteered geographic information, open governmental data, in-situ geospatial processing and striking visualization techniques creating many new possibilities but also new restrictions and problems based on massiveness, heterogeneity and contextual flexibility. Challenges like handling big data, aggregate different sources, standards for a homogenuous data, and disappearing sources/content are growing.

SOMAP2014 is a venue that brings together experts from research, government, non-governmental organisations, standardization bodies and industry to present, document and discuss trends in service-based mapping, which covers delivery, processing, integration, analysis, collaboration as well as visualization of geospatial data and services.

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